Sugar, Mine (Mine Series Book 3) Read online
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I whip my head back towards Joey when he speaks, he remains standing at the opening of the door, watching me. I scan him from head to toe. He's dressed in dirty clothes and it doesn't look like he's had a shave for at least a week. I turn around and while Joey cuts the restraints free, I look down and realise I'm still in only my singlet and undies. He spins me around and pulls a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket. My body trembles as visions flash past my eyes of the last time I was bundled into a vehicle and handcuffed.
He attaches the first one and I suck in a breath when it clicks into place. He reaches into the van and loops the free end over a bar on the ceiling of the van. Raising my other hand, he clicks the other cuff into place. I close my eyes and take deep breaths to calm my racing heart and shaking body. They snap open again when I feel Joey's hot breath skim the side of my face.
"I wonder if you taste as good as you look."
I jerk my face away and the minute I do, I know it's a mistake, confirmed by the stinging slap across my face. Gripping my chin, he forces my face back to his and his lips crash down on mine.
He clucks his tongue at me after he pulls back and licks his lips on a hum. "So, you still have some fight in you, that's good."
I study his eyes, for the first time I notice how dilated they are and the sheen of sweat across his forehead.
"Good to know, little pie. You and me are gonna have fun." He chuckles as he shimmies back out of the van and slides the door closed with a loud bang.
I look up at my cuffed hands and don't even attempt to try and escape, I know there's no point. Resting on my ass, I try to get comfortable. I don't bother to take notice when I hear the car door opening and slamming or when the engine starts up. I keep repeating to myself, I just have to get through this drive until we reach my new prison. Dropping my head, I let my hair fall around me and stare down at my lap.
"What's your name, little pie?" Joey's voice breaks through the silence surrounding us, he asks question after question about where I grew up, how old I am. But, I don't answer. I keep my head down, peeking through my hair at the rearview mirror, watching as his eyes dart from the mirror to the road ahead. I drop my head again, there's no point telling him anything about me or who I am, I don't even know who I am anymore. The girl I once was has disappeared, little by little, day by day, with everything that has happened over the years. The car jerks violently and the force causes my head to slam against the side of the van. I try to bite down on the yelp, but it escapes my lips anyway.
"That got your fucking attention," Joey sneers.
I wince with the pain exploding through my head and feel the van driving on rough gravel before coming to a sudden stop. He hits the brakes with such force, I'm thrown back and my arms are stretched painfully. I'm still dazed when I hear the door slide open, I try to clear my fuzzy brain.
"So, you don't want to fucking talk to me you, little bitch? Well, that's fine, I have ways of making you talk."
After unlocking the cuffs, he drags me from the van by my hair and throws me to the ground. I grunt when my knees are pierced by the small rocks on the gravel driveway. I look around and notice the old warehouse the van is parked next to. Is this my new prison? A sharp pain erupts across my stomach when Joey kicks me and I roll over and hit the ground. He laughs as tears flood my face and I wrap my arms around my stomach.
"Get up." He spits at the ground beside me.
When I don't move, he reaches down and grips my hair so tight I swear some of it is pulled out by the roots. Somehow, I manage to scramble to my feet. The rocks dig into my bare feet.
"When I say get the fuck up, I mean, get the fuck up." He releases my hair and wraps an arm around my throat. I instinctively grip his arm to take some of the pressure off my throat, I can't breathe.
"Don't worry little one, you and me are going to have some fun before I take you to the compound," he breathes into my ear before he drags me toward the warehouse.
I'm pushed into a dark room at the back of the warehouse. It looks like an old office which hasn't been used for a long time, it's covered in dust. Joey shoves me into a corner, I slide down the wall and bring my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them I pull my legs in closer.
I watch as he paces the room and drags his fingers through his hair until he comes to a sudden stop and stares at me for a moment, as if in a trance. He seems to snap out of whatever trance he was in and starts picking up old papers strewn on the ground. He crosses to the other side of the room where there's an old fireplace in the wall. Pulling a lighter from his pocket he sets the paper alight and throws it in.
Joey has his back to me, he seems mesmerized by the flames. I glance toward the door and wonder if I can sneak out while he remains transfixed. I shuffle on my bum, closer to the door, watching Joey to make sure he's still not looking my way. I look back to the door and slide closer, but I freeze in my tracks when I hear the unmistakable sound of a belt snapping together. My attention returns to Joey, he has a belt in one hand and what looks like a metal rod in the other.
"Where do you think you're going, bitch?"
"Nowhere," I whisper
"Crawl to me."
As I move towards him on my hands and knees, my eyes dart between the belt and the metal rod.
"Kiss my shoes," he spits out.
Not what I was expecting, but bending forward I take a deep breath and blow it out, before my lips touch the top of his shoes. I scrunch up my nose at the stench of him.
"What a good, little bitch."
I cringe as I see his hand with the belt lift, it comes down across my back and I close my eyes against the pain. He hits with much more force than Karen. His laughter echoes around us. I dig deep and push the searing pain to the back of my mind as he pushes me to my back with his foot. Crouching beside me, he pulls down the strap of my singlet, exposing one of my breasts. He licks his lips as he grabs me and squeezes.
"Looks like your Sir has marked you already."
I turn my head away as he cups my breast and runs his fingers over one of the bite marks still visible from Bruno J.
"I think I need to add to your collection."
I feel his hot breath against my skin, making it crawl. I brace myself for the pain from his teeth, but when I feel nothing, I wonder if he's changed his mind. I open my eyes to see his arm stretched out, the tip of the metal rod glows red then white in the fire. Abject terror squeezes my stomach and for the first time in a long time, I can't control my mouth.
"No. no. no!" I cry out when I realise what he's going to do.
"Enough, you be a good girl and stay still."
I try to push away, but he anchors his knee into my stomach, pinning me to the ground. He lowers the bar towards me and I'm helpless. The metal rod grazes my arm, burning the tender flesh before he holds it to my breast. Pain like I've never felt before shoots through me. My head spins and I let out a scream as tears stream down my face. When he removes his knee, I scramble to the wall. The room is spinning, my head is pounding, chest throbbing with pain. I have no hope of getting to my feet. He steps in front of me with the belt in his hand. I cower and whimper, knowing I probably won't make it out of here alive. My time has finally run out.
"Now for that taste." He raises his arm with the belt and I wait for the impact.
A loud bang echoes around us as a door is slammed open. Joey spins around as two other men enter the room with guns raised. I push myself into a ball against the wall, I feel dizzy and sick. Then a man speaks and I raise my eyes to stare into deep midnight eyes swimming in worry.
"It's okay, I won't hurt you." His voice is husky and he has a thick accent which I can't quite place at that moment. He offers his hand to me, but I stare at it, not sure what I should do. I look towards Joey, but he isn't looking at me anymore. He's occupied with staring down the barrel of a gun.
"Signora, I won't hurt you, you're safe now."
glance at his hand again before looking back into his eyes. I see kindness and something deep inside me urges me to trust this stranger. Stretching out a shaky hand, I place it in his. The touch sets off a live wire inside me and I jump. What the fuck is going on? I feel confused, but shake it off and allow this man to pull me to my feet and into his chest. On shaky legs and gripping his jacket in my hands, I push the pain I am feeling to the side and inhale his intoxicating scent. He seems to awaken something deep inside me, something I thought died a long time ago.
Chapter Four
"Sergio, get Kat out of here while I tie up this figlia di mandre." Antonio manhandles Joey towards him. "The Boss has been looking for you…"
I ignore the rest of what Antonio is saying and make my way over to the terrified girl cowering against the wall, I can tell straight away it's not Katherine. Crouching down in front of her, I move slowly so as not to scare her anymore then she already is. Her glazed eyes are darting everywhere. I need her to concentrate on me. I need her blinded from what's happening around us and focus on me.
"It's ok, I won't hurt you."
Holding out my hand, I speak softly and hold back the anger I feel on seeing the horrific injuries scattered across her body. I want to kill the figlia di madre (motherfucker) who has caused the fresh burn marks to her arm and breast. I suck in a deep breath and release it slowly to calm myself then turn my focus back to her big brown eyes. They are full of sheer terror and my heart twists in my chest, I need her to know I won't hurt her.
"Signora, I won't hurt you, you're safe now."
Her eyes glance at my outstretched hand before gazing back into my eyes, hopefully she sees the truth in my words. I feel elated when she starts to place her shaking hand into mine, she feels some measure of trust. As our hands connect, I feel an electric shock jolt through my body. Such a simple touch causes us both to jump and our eyes lock, I know she felt it too. I calm myself with a deep breath, now isn't the time to be wondering what the fuck it was.
She stands and I draw her to my chest, holding her close. She is shaking uncontrollably, probably shock from her injuries. All I want to do is sweep her into my arms and carry her out of here, keep her safe. But, my first priority is to back up my Capo Bastone.
A deafening noise pierces the air and I snap away from my thoughts. It's the familiar sound of a gunshot, I hold tesoro mio tighter in my arms and run my hands up and down her back to soothe her. She stiffens at my hold and I ease off to look down at her. I'm worried I may have hurt her.
"Did I hurt you?"
She shakes her head and I see the sadness in her eyes.
Joey's screams pull me back to what's happening around us, Antonio is losing control. I need to tell him the woman isn't Katherine.
"Capo Bastone! It's not Miss Katherine!" My shout is more of a roar to get above Joey's screams.
Antonio snaps his eyes my way and looks at the girl in my arms, it takes everything in me not to cover her up. I feel her grip me a bit harder and her shaking intensifies under Antonio's gaze as he slowly moves towards us. He stands in front of her so she doesn't have to look at the piece of shit on the floor. Leaning forward, he places his hand gently on her shoulder. My protectiveness kicks in, I don't want Antonio to touch her. When I feel her push closer into me and relax slightly, my possessiveness eases a little with the knowledge she's chasing my touch.
"Can you tell me if a redheaded woman was here?"
She shakes her head and her body trembles. Shock, cold, I feel like an absolute cazzo for not covering her up sooner. Slipping off my coat, I wrap it around her shoulders and pull her closer, not wanting a centimeter between us.
I look at Antonio and he nods his head, he understands I'm not letting her go. Our attention is drawn back to the girl in my arms when she speaks. I lean closer to hear her soft, raspy voice.
"No one e-e-else w-was here," she sobs.
"Fuck!" Antonio growls and pulls at his hair.
The girl flinches in my arms and huddles closer at the angry edge to Antonio's voice.
"I promise we won't hurt you, what's your name?" Antonio asks gently.
"How old are you Kirsty?"
"Twenty-five." Her voice is a little stronger now and she glances between Antonio and me.
I lock eyes with Antonio, thinking we may be able to get some answers now her body has stopped shaking and her voice is a bit stronger. I have known this man for many years and I can see in his eyes, he's thinking the same thing as me. I nod so he understands we are on the same page.
I bend my knees and stare into Kirsty's eyes. For a moment I'm lost, I don't see so much fear anymore.
"Tesoro mio, I need you to tell me what happened. How did you get here?"
Kirsty starts to speak but slams her mouth shut when Joey screams out. She cowers against me.
"She won't tell you shit if she knows what's good for her."
I'm about to lose my shit when Antonio gets my attention.
"Sergio, we need to get her to the house. Take her in the car with you and get Doc to meet you at the house. I'm gonna tie this piece of shit up and throw him in the van. I'll take him to the docks, get Dom to meet me there."
I nod my head, but I'm not fucking pleased with his idea at all. I need to have his back. Kirsty's sobs break through my anger and I realize, Antonio is right, I need to take care of her. Wrapping my arms around her tighter, I lower my lips to her ear.
"It's ok Sugar, I've got you."
She nods against my chest. I give Antonio a chin lift and lead her from the room. Sobs rack her tiny body as she is overcome with pain. She leans against me heavily, I'm not sure she can walk much further.
I bend and whisper in her ear, worried if I pick her up without saying something first, she may freak out.
"I'm going to pick you up, okay?"
"O -o-okay," she sobs.
Bending my knees, I sweep her into my arms and hold her close against my chest. She relaxes slightly and burrows into me.
"T -t-thank y -you"
"Always, Tesoro mio." Fuck, why do I keep calling her that? I don't even know this girl, but the minute she gripped onto me, it was like our fate was sealed and she became mine as much as I became hers.
Chapter Five
I'm not sure why I told strangers who I was. Something told me I was safe with them. The closer the man called Sergio, held me, the more relaxed I felt. His touch surrounded me like a protective cloud, it was the safest and most comfortable I have ever felt. Words flowed, I couldn't and didn't want to, stop them.
One look at Sergio and I should have been terrified, he should have scared the shit out of me. He's big, muscular and towers over me. Every visible piece of skin is decorated with tattoos, his hair is dark, close cropped. He is an ominous figure. But then, I gazed into his eyes and the gentle caring within, took my breath away.
I wanted them to know who I was and was willing to tell them everything. Until Joey broke into my thoughts with his screaming at me. Shouting out, if I knew what was best for me, I would keep my mouth shut. A timely reminder that I know better than to open my mouth about anything.
I tried to be strong and not show these men any fear, but I was scared. What if these men only said I was safe to gain my trust. I don't know who they are, what if Bruno J or even Karen sent them here to test me? I don't know what to think anymore, I'm so confused.
When Sergio held me, wrapped his coat around me, I couldn't stop my body's reaction to him. I knew I could trust him from that moment on. If Bruno J had sent them, why was the guy called Antonio asking if another girl was with me? He would have known, but if Bruno J didn't send them, how did they know where we were?
I'm pulled from my thoughts when Sergio stops in front of an expensive looking black car. I shift my weight, readying to stand and pain explodes through me. I can't prevent the whimper and groan which escapes my lips.
've got you, Sugar, relax."
Sergio's hot breath wafts over my ear, but instead of making my skin crawl, I feel heat creep up my neck. I turn my face into his hard chest so he doesn't see the obvious redness. His heart is thumping hard and fast under my cheek and I feel him suck in a deep breath. It does something to me that I can't explain. Again, I wonder what the fuck is happening to me? At the first touch of kindness and it's like my body just decides to surrender itself to this man who I don't even know.
He shifts my weight in his arms and I prepare for him to put me down. Instead, he shifts me into one arm while he opens the car door with the other.
"You can put me down to make it easier." I speak quietly.
He shakes his head and gently lowers me into the backseat of the car. I moan as pain grips me and when I look up, his eyes are fixed on me. His eyes are troubled, like he has an internal war with himself happening. After a moment, he appears to shake it off and then closes the door.
I feel an overwhelming loss, being out of his arms. I have to fight the connection, there is no point trying to get close to this man, or any man for that matter. He may be nice now, but if experience has taught me anything, it's that feelings can change as quickly as they emerge.
You would think, after all these years, the thought of any man saving me would have become non-existent. I can't help but think this man is different and a feeling of hope washes through me. I should push it away, but I don't want to, I want to grip it with both hands and savor it.
I'm so lost in my thoughts, I hadn't realized Sergio had climbed into the car until I hear the engine tick over. The radio comes to life and the radio announcer's voice makes me jump. It's been forever since I've heard any type of music.
"We are at number five on our all-time favorite songs countdown," the man says before announcing the next song - Hero by Enrique Iglesias.