Sugar, Mine (Mine Series Book 3) Read online

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  I want to open up to this woman but I'm afraid. How can I trust? The last time I did, I was taken from my bed and used to repay a debt. Brooklyn seems to sense, I'm not ready to open up.

  She pats my hand. "Have something to eat and get more rest. I'll be back later with some clothes and when Sergio returns, he'll explain more." Brooklyn pauses and her eyes look deep into mine. "Sergio won't rest until he finds out everything about you. I saw it in his eyes when he carried you in, he'll only rest when he's killed whoever did this."

  "Th-thank you." Images of the morning flash past my eyes and I take a few deep breaths to relax. "you're safe" plays on a loop in my mind.

  I think about what Brooklyn has said and again wonder if I can trust these people or is it all a trick. Will Karen be here to take me back the next time I open my eyes? Tears roll down my cheeks and my stomach clenches at the thought. I roll over, place a pillow under my chest for support and take the sandwich from the side table. As I unwrap the plastic, I feel Brooklyn stand and then the soft click of the door closing. I wait for the clink of locks being slid into place, but it doesn't come.

  Brooklyn seemed so sincere, can I trust her. With all my heart, I want to. I bite into the sandwich and ponder what will happen when Sergio returns. I wonder if Joey is the issue which needed to be settled.

  My hands shake as I bring the sandwich back to my mouth for another bite. No use worrying, I'm too weak to go anywhere right now, too weak to fight, so I'll make the most of their kindness and see what happens next.

  Chapter Eight


  Leaving Kirsty at Dominic's place was so fucking hard, but knowing she's there with Brooklyn made it a little easier. Even though Dominic said I didn't have to go to the docks with him, I had to. I have to get answers from that piece of shit for her before I kill him.

  As I drive towards the docks, the Boss in the passenger seat, I can feel the anger rolling off him in waves. His hands are clenching his thighs. He's itching to get his hands on Joey too, it wasn't long ago he tried to run us off the road with Brooklyn and Evie in the car. What made the incident worse, was Dominic had just found out Brooklyn was pregnant. Anyone taking on the Boss when he's alone is a fucking idiot, but taking him on with his family present is a death sentence. Joey's death won't be quick, it will be long and painful. He should have prayed he'd never be caught.

  I draw the car up to the old warehouse which runs along the back of the docks. After switching off the motor, I jump out and jog to the passenger side to open the door for Dominic. Images of Kirsty cowering in the corner of the filthy room where we found her run through my head on an endless loop. I can't help wondering, after hearing about her old injuries from Doc, if what she was suffering was more of the same for her. Was it just another day in hell for my girl? Pure rage bubbles through me when I think of what she's been through. I want to get this shit over with, make sure Joey suffers and get back to her.

  "Sergio, I know you want answers for your girl, but you need to remember, Katherine is still missing. We need answers, she is our priority." Dom rests his hand on my shoulder and I nod. "I promise, we will get the answers you need even if it means we'll be here all afternoon."

  "Si, Boss." I'm distracted as Demetri's car comes to a stop next to mine. Johnny, Nico and Demetri jump out and stride toward us. Not in the mood to talk about this shit any longer, I turn towards the door ready to get the answers all of us fucking need. I slam the door open with force and the sound echoes in the night. We all head to where Antonio will be waiting and as I glance at the other men, I think it's apt that we look like a death squad.

  "Looks like the party is about to begin, Joey boy." Antonio taunts before laughing.

  We round the corner to where they are and find Joey tied into a chair. He spits out, "Fuck you" to Antonio. Bad move. Antonio swings and his punch shatters Joey's jaw. He yells out in pain.

  "I want him on the table," Dominic orders. He steps around me and points to an old wooden table in the center of the room.

  "Si, Boss," Demetri acknowledges. He and Nico step forward, cut the ropes holding Joey and drag him toward the table.

  Joey is obviously not one to give up. He starts spewing shit at us and fighting to get free. "You guys are already dead and you don't even know it yet."

  "Shut the fuck up," Nico growls

  "You may as well just kill me now."

  "That would be too easy for scum like you," Demetri says as he ties him to the table.

  "Sergio," Antonio pulls my attention away.

  I stride to where Antonio is standing beside another table where knives are lined up.

  "How is Kirsty"

  "I don't know. She passed out in shock before I could get her to Doc. When the Boss and I left, she still hadn't woken up. Doc cleaned her up, started a drip and now we just have to wait and see. Brooklyn is with her."

  I don't tell him about the marks which scar her entire tiny body. They're not hard to miss, but now isn't the time to discuss what Doc said about previous beatings and injuries. I don't yet know what happened, why she was there, to give him any answers yet.

  Antonio glances over my shoulder and I realize he's received a signal from Dom when he waves his hand over the knives, inviting me to select one.

  I pick up a skinning knife and weigh it in my hand, it will do nicely. As I step toward the table, Joey starts chuckling. It grates down my spine, this piece of shit is still so fucking cocky even though he's the one strapped to a table in his underwear, like a fucking animal. Bringing the knife up to the light, I watch as the beams bounce off the curved blade.

  "Am I fucking amusing you, you traditore?" I spit out.

  His eyes bounce back and forth between the knife and me. I watch as a sheen of sweat breaks out over his forehead.

  "So, are you are going to tell me what I want to know?" His eyes are locked on mine, but he doesn't say shit. I twist and play with the knife in my hand. I'm not use to having one, my fists are usually enough, but with this fucker, he deserves everything that's coming to him.

  Running the tip of the knife down his chest, I watch him suck in a deep breath as the knife slices into his skin and blood pools around the blade.

  "Who gave you the girl?"

  "I found the whore on the side of the road," he hisses out.

  Three quick slashes across his chest and I ask again once he finishes screaming out.

  "Who gave you the girl?"

  "Bruno J," he wheezes out after catching his breath. "Gave her to Billy, who gave her to me to take back to our compound."

  "Why?" When he doesn't answer, Demetri jams a cloth in his mouth to shut out his screams and I slice him a few more times.

  He nods that he's ready to answer and Demetri removes the cloth. His eyes are wild and blood covers his torso. "To pay a drug debt he owed my boss."

  Dominic steps closer to the table. "What the fuck did he just say?" Rage radiates off him.

  "Fucking trash," Antonio snarls.

  "Who's your new boss?" I demand to know. Fucking cazzo is so fucking high most of the time he has no loyalty to anybody, let alone his family.

  "Fuck you!"

  "Fuck me? No, fuck you, traditore."

  Stepping over to the 'instrument' table I drop the knife, pick up a pair of pliers and cross back to the table. Joey has been in these situations often enough to know what's coming next and squirms, pulling against his restraints. I smile at his reaction.

  "Who is your fucking boss?" I demand to know while I place the pliers on one of his toes and apply pressure before twisting.

  "Paulie DeMarko," he screams out as I hear the crack of bone.

  The name registers in my head and the pliers slip from my hand, echoing as they hit the concrete floor.

  "Fuck!" Dominic shouts. He paces the floor, dragging fingers through his hair.

  The other men glance at us both, confusion written all over their faces.

  "Boss, please. I need to get to Kirsty now. I need to mo
ve her."

  He nods. "Go. Now. You know where to take her.

  "Si, Boss."

  I don't need to be told twice. I jog from the warehouse, jump in my car and the tires squeal as I floor it away from the docks. I have only one thought in mind, I need to get to Kirsty and I need to get to her right now.

  Chapter Nine


  "Time to meet the boss," the woman I have come to know as Karen, says.

  I stand, feeling the dirty carpet beneath my bare feet. I step towards her, but she holds up her hand for me to stop.

  "He'll be here in a minute, get down on your knees."

  Lowering to my knees, I try to control the trembling wracking my body. It's been the same for the past two days since I arrived, it doesn't seem to want to stop. How do I know it's been two days? I've watched the sun rise and set through the tiny window of my new room. I grip the bottom of my nightgown nervously. A raspy, booming voice from the doorway captures my attention immediately.

  "Ah, there's my new little pie." I glance up to see him rubbing his hands together as he steps closer. His voice sends chills down my spine and I close my eyes, hoping for the millionth time since I arrived that this is only a nightmare and I'll wake up soon.

  "Eyes up!"

  Snapping my head up, I study the man in front of me. Balding head, pudgy, short man who looks about fifty years old.

  "Little pie, get to your feet. I want to see what I own now."

  I want to fight him and tell him to fuck off, but when I did that to Karen last night, it didn't end well for me. So, I climb to my feet and try to bring the trembling under control.

  "That's better, now I can get a good look at you." He reaches out to touch my face and shrink away from him. His nose flares and I whimper when he grips my hair and yanks my head back, forcing me to look at his face.

  "I own you, remember that," he growls into my face and his foul breath wafts over me.

  I struggle not to throw up as I nod. I'm revolted when his hand pushes up my nightgown and whimper as he cups me between the legs.

  He releases me and orders, "strip." He steps back giving me room to remove the nightgown. With hands shaking uncontrollably, I grip the bottom of the gown and slowly start to lift it over my head.

  "Hurry the fuck up," he spits at me.

  Tears well in my eyes, wanting to escape. I take a deep breath and strip before turning my face away. I don't want to see him looking at me. Gripping my hair, he wrenches my head around, forcing me to look into his leering eyes. I watch as they darken when his free hand lowers and touches me.

  My stomach turns over, overwhelming nausea bubbles up and I taste the bile in my throat. I breath rapidly to prevent the bile from erupting all over the man and fight against the powerful urge to push him away.

  Something in my eyes must tell him I'm struggling not to fight and he gives me a knowing smile before leaning forward, swiping his tongue over my face and moving his lips to my ear to whisper.

  "Don't worry, little pie, you're going to enjoy this." He licks the side of my face again until his mouth is almost on mine. "Fight all you want, it turns me on. You're going to love every minute of me and I'll make sure you can still feel me until the next time we meet."

  I can no longer stop the tears from falling and he laughs loudly before his mouth hits my breast. His teeth latch on, his head turns, twisting my captured nipple. Pain shoots through me and I scream.


  "Aaarrrggghhh," I scramble up the bed clutching the sheet close to my chest. The nightmare causes tears to stream from my eyes. It was all so vivid, so real, as if it was happening all over again. The pain so real, it woke me from a deep sleep.


  I jump at the deep voice and my eyes dart around the dim room. Sergio stands from where he'd been sitting in an armchair in the corner.

  "It's okay, no-one will ever hurt you again."

  Drawing my knees into my chest, I wrap the sheet around me tighter, like a security blanket. Sergio approaches the bed slowly and carefully, aware of my fear. I shrink back a little. I'm still not sure how I should feel about him, but as he comes closer, I see the pain in his eyes and it pulls at something inside me.

  "Can I sit?" He points to the bed and I give permission by nodding.

  Dropping down, he rests his elbows on his knees and rests his head in his hands. I watch as he breathes hard, struggling with himself, and my heart softens a little. I'm worried he's getting ready to tell me something I don't want to hear.

  "Is everything okay?" I whisper.

  He shakes his head. I study him closer and see the small blood spatters on his hands. I don't know what urges me to do it, but I lean forward and touch his hand. The bolt of electricity I felt earlier, zaps through me again. I don't have to ask if he felt it too, he stiffens before relaxing again and I have the answer to my unasked question.

  "Are you hurt?" I whisper.

  "No, sugar."

  Slowly, oh so slowly and gently, he wraps his hand around mine. I feel his warmth travel through me and struggle to concentrate on something else besides what he is making me feel.

  "Sugar, I need to take you somewhere safer."

  "I thought you said I was safe here?" I begin trembling and Sergio rubs my hand to soothe me, but it's like my body has a mind of its own.

  "You are, but not safe enough now we know who is involved. I need to take you to one of our safe houses. It's not far from here and Brooklyn can still visit."

  Thoughts war in my head, am I safe with this man? Is this all a trick? Brooklyn's words about trusting them replay through my mind and I nod. "If you think it's best, I'll go with you. I trust you."

  He tilts his head to the side and stares at me. "You trust me?"

  Did I really say I trusted him? I haven't come close to trusting anyone in years. I close my eyes and send out a silent prayer hoping I won't regret it. But, yeah. I think I really do trust him. What the hell is going on with me? I've known this man less than twenty-four hours and I genuinely trust him. Maybe it's because he's shown me nothing but kindness and asked for nothing in return. I gaze back into those midnight eyes and a feeling so strong shoots through me. I open my mouth knowing there is only one answer to his question.

  "Yes, I trust you."

  Bringing my hand to his mouth, with eyes still on mine, he grazes his lips over the skin. Small goosebumps break out over me and I shiver. What the fuck was that?

  "Grazie, Sugar."

  I slide my hand from his and my stomach twists at the loss.

  "Brooklyn will come up and help you get dressed and then we'll head off."


  "I'll be back soon." He nods, pushes to his feet and gazes down at me before heading to the door. "Thank you, Sergio."

  "Always, mio tesoro."

  Chapter Ten


  I leave the room, allowing the door to close behind me. Brooklyn was leaning against the wall and she gave me a knowing smile.

  "Miss Brooklyn, can you help Kirsty to get dressed, she may need to borrow some of your clothes?"

  "Sergio, it's just Brooklyn and of course I'll help her."

  "I think she needs a friend right now."

  She placed her hand on my arm. "I know and I'll be there for her, and also for you, with anything you need."

  "Grazie, Brooklyn." I nod while a million things flash through my mind about the hell we are about to be involved in. I'm overcome with a feeling of helplessness, a feeling I haven't had in a long time, not since Marcella. I place a hand against the wall, bend forward and take a few breaths to settle myself.

  Brooklyn speaks softly. "You don't say a lot and I get that. I know events from the past haunt you, but if personal experience has taught me anything, it's that sometimes it's worth fighting for the future you want. You can't allow your demons to win." She opens the door to Kirsty's room and I glance over my shoulder in time to see the truth of her words in her eyes before she enters the roo
m and closes the door.

  Her words replay in my head and I know I would go back to hell to give my Sugar the answers she needs, even if that means facing down Paulie DeMarko again. But, this time I'll be ready for him. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I hit Theo's number and wait while it rings.

  "Sergio, what can I do for you?" He sounds irritated, but I don't have time to ask why. I need him to meet me at the safe house, I'll talk to him then.

  "I need you at the safe house in Warabrook and I need everything you can find on a man named Bruno J." I know it might be a long shot, but I want to start with him first and go from there.

  "Si." There's silence for a moment and I think he may have disconnected the call. I'm forced to hold the phone away from my ear when he roars down the line. "What the fuck!"

  When it quiets again, I move the phone back to my ear. I wonder if he's found out something already. "What is it?"

  "Someone is trying to hack into my fucking system. Fuck, piece of shit. I'll meet you there, but first I need to try and stop this figlia di madre." He ends the call and I shake my head wondering what else we are up against.

  I roll my shoulders in an attempt to relieve the tension, I need to do something about it, I need a drink. I make my way towards the kitchen and I'm on the stairs when my phone rings in my pocket. Fuck what now. I pull it out to see Dominic's number flashing on the screen.


  "Sergio, are you still at the house?"


  "Call Doc, Antonio has been shot in the shoulder."

  "What the fuck?"

  "No time to explain now, but make sure Brooklyn knows we're on our way and we have Katherine with us. Also, it may be best for Kirsty and you to be gone before we get there."

  "On it, Boss." I'm about to press end when he speaks again.

  "Are you ready for what's to come?" I know he's talking about Paulie DeMarko.

  "I will be," I say between clenched teeth. "I have Theo meeting me at the safe house."