Sugar, Mine (Mine Series Book 3) Read online
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Does it mean I'm not scared anymore? Fuck, no. I'm still scared. Terrified I'll wake up back in Hell and find this has all been a beautiful dream. I'm also worried I won't be able to let Sergio completely in but, if what we have now is all it can be, I can live with it. As my touch centers him, his centers me.
I reflect on the conversation with Brooklyn again…..
"How are you feeling today?" Brooklyn asked as she places shopping bags on my bed.
"I don't know." I answer honestly and shake my head.
"What don't you know? Has Doc been by?"
"Yeah, he said I was fully healed but I may have some scarring." I shrug my shoulders knowing full well I'll have scars.
"We all have scars, Kirsty but we learn to not let them hold us back."
I glance at her leg when I remember her telling me last week what had happened to her. How Dominic had saved Brooklyn and her daughter from her ex. Knowing what she's been through made me feel less alone, made me realize other people deal with hard shit too. I'm not stupid, I know I'm not the only one in the world who has been through hell and to talk with someone who has also lived through a nightmare, makes it a little easier to deal with my demons. I don't feel like a freak. Knowing Dominic stood by and helped Brooklyn makes me understand this is what Sergio is trying to do for me.
"How much longer do you need the cane for?"
"Doc said another week and I should be good. Thank fuck because it's starting to piss me off." She laughs and I laugh with her.
God, it feels good to laugh. We sit in silence for a few moments, side by side on the bed.
"How are you and Sergio going?"
"There's nothing going on between us although I suspect he would like it if there was." I shrug "He's been keeping his distance because he senses it's what I need. It's for the best, I guess."
"How is it for the best?"
I peer at her and wonder if she really understands what I've been through if she's asking this question.
"Don't look at me like that." She shakes her head at me and I'm confused. "What I'm trying to say is, Sergio wants to be there for you and he would never do anything to hurt you. Forget what he does for a living and see the man who has been with you from the beginning"
I remember when Brooklyn explained about her ex and said Dominic was a Mafia boss. She didn't say what Sergio does but she did say he was a part of the family. I was frightened at first until Brooklyn reminded me they are good men. They would never hurt me or any other woman and they hate anyone who does. I hear what she's saying but would Sergio be willing to stay by me if I could never let him touch me in that way?
"I guess that's what I'm confused about, wouldn't he have expectations like any other man?" I look down at my lap and fidget with the end of my shirt.
"Kirsty, he would never force you to do anything you didn't want to or feel comfortable with. You need to talk to him, tell him what it is you want. He knows how badly you've been hurt and I think he's waiting for you to be ready to go to him."
"I think I love him." My voice sounds dreamy even to my ears, I slap my hands over my mouth wishing I'd never said that. "Fuck, I'm so confused," I mumble into my hands. The last thing I expected was for Brooklyn to laugh at me
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh but I don't think I have ever heard you swear before." She wraps her arm around me and gives me a sideways hug. Normally I freeze when anyone touches me but I have kind of gotten used to Brooklyn.
"As far as you loving him, that's a good thing because he loves you too."
"What?" Surely she's not serious, how could he love me?
"Honey, you need to know when the Grasso men see the woman they want, they fall hard and fast. It doesn't matter what anybody does, or says, nothing will get in their way of taking what's theirs."
"T- t- theirs?" I stammer out. I wait for my body to start shaking but, it doesn't.
"Sergio loves you, Kirsty. Everyone saw it from the first time he brought you to the house, the way he looked at you with such sorrow and passion. He'll give you the space and time you need but know this – while you're his, he is also yours."
"Yeah, honey, yours. I know those words may scare you but he will protect you, love you like nobody ever has and he will lay his life on the line for you in a heartbeat. So, try not to let the words scare you off and just let yourself feel."
"Isn't it too soon to have these feelings?"
"I don't think so, I knew after a week with Dom that he was mine and I was his."
"A week?"
"Yep and I wouldn't change any of it for the world. Was I scared? Hell yeah, especially after what I'd been through but there was something in his eyes which told me to trust him, to let him in and if I did, each day I'd wake up stronger."
I'd seen the look Brooklyn was talking about in Sergio's eyes last night and I knew I would kick myself if I didn't let my feelings surface. I turn my head and plant a light kiss in the center of Sergio's hard chest, his muscles flinch beneath my lips. I start to turn away, worried I have woken him up, when I feel his hand sliding in my hair.
"I'm sorry I woke you," I whisper.
"Sugar, never be sorry." His sleepy voice sounds sexy and sends tingles racing through me. I sit up and cower away when I feel his hand slide down my back, I can't bear for him to feel my scars.
"Sugar, are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I'm not used to waking up with someone in my bed," I lie.
"Kirsty, please look at me."
He places fingers under my chin and I turn back to face him, eyes filled with care stare back at me. "Sugar, I've seen your back before." He speaks softly and I hear the pain in his voice.
A tear slides down my cheek and I quickly swipe it away. He takes my arm and pulls me to lie back down with him, enough to let me know he doesn't want me to leave but not too hard so I know I can leave if I want to. I rest my head on his chest again and let the slow up and down motion of his breathing soothe me.
"Sugar, I have scars too. You never have to be ashamed of them with me."
"You do?"
"Yeah but how about we have some breakfast and I'll show you later."
I open my mouth to answer just as the doorbell sounds. Sergio growls, I guess he doesn't like being disturbed. He growls a lot but instead of it scaring me, it sends my senses into a spin.
"That will be Dominic and Brooklyn."
I sit up excited. "Do you think Brooklyn will have brought Evie with her this time?" I haven't met her yet and Brooklyn says she's excited to meet me.
"Not sure, Sugar but, I better get up and let them in before they break down the door." He leans over and kisses the top of my head before he climbs from the bed.
"I'll be down soon, I just want to grab a shower."
"Si, Tesoro but, if Evie is here you better not be too long. That little girl is like the Energizer bunny." He laughs and I giggle at the image.
He leans over me and I remain still as he grazes his lips over and whispers, "I love the sound of you giggling, I want to hear it a lot more."
I close my eyes and soak him in, his scent, his presence. When he leaves the room, I feel the loss and open my eyes.
Oh dear, what this man is doing to me? I slide to my feet and head for the shower.
Chapter Sixteen
I head down the steps feeling lighter after last night, having my girl wrapped in my arms. I know there are things we need to talk about but I'm confident, given time, we'll get there. Last night was a huge step for her and I wasn't lying when I said as long as I had her in my arms, it would be enough.
I open the door and it's lucky I have lightning fast reactions. Evie barrels in and screams out, "Zio" (Uncle), before catapulting into my arms. I laugh at her excitement.
"Principessa Evie, have you grown since I last saw you?"
She places her small hands to the sides of my face and laughs. "No, silly."
I'm laughing when I glance to the door
and watch as Dominic leads Brooklyn inside.
"Boss." I lift my chin in greeting.
He has a serious expression on his face and I wonder what the hell has happened now. I look to Brooklyn.
"Miss Brooklyn, good morning."
"Good morning, Sergio. Evie and I are going to make everyone breakfast while you two talk."
Dominic lifts Evie from my arms and kisses her cheek before placing her onto the floor.
We stay quiet, watching as the girls head to the kitchen. I wait until they are out of hearing range before speaking.
"What's happened, Boss?"
"Theo called when we were on our way over, he has something to show us."
"Do you want to wait in the office or the kitchen?"
"Let's grab a coffee while we wait." Dominic suggests.
"Si. Kirsty will be down in a moment."
"How is everything between you two?"
I smile when I think about last night. "Bene, Boss. We're taking it day by day."
"Bene, Sergio, I'm glad something is finally going right at the moment." He slaps me on the back as we head for the kitchen. I know the girls have made themselves at home when I hear music playing.
When we step into the kitchen, we find Evie sitting on the counter swinging her legs back and forth while Brooklyn rummages in the cupboards.
"Zio, when do I get to meet Aunty Kirsty?" Evie asks.
I open and close my mouth, resembling a fish taking in air. I'm unsure what to say about Evie calling Kirsty Aunty. I glance at Dominic, big help he is, he shrugs and chuckles before wrapping his arm around Brooklyn's waist.
"Princess…" It's all I get time for because Kirsty enters the room.
"Hi, you must be Evie," she says at she crosses the room to her.
Evie nods and smiles. "Ooh, you're so pretty. Mummy, isn't Aunty Kirsty pretty?"
"Yes sweetpea, she sure is. How about you come and help me while Kirsty has a coffee and then we can all chat."
I look at my girl, she's peering down at her feet and I wonder what's going through her mind right now. Dom lifts Evie down from the bench and places her onto her feet.
"Be good for momma while I talk with zio."
"Okay, Papa." She looks up at Dom and gives him a megawatt smile and I see him visibly melt. He kneels down and gives her a hug and kiss. She has him wrapped around her tiny finger, he'll never be able to refuse her anything.
We head for the living room to talk and I chuckle as he shakes his head.
"You know you're fucked when she gets older, Boss."
"Sergio, I'm already fucked."
"Don't start with that shit again, Dominic," Brooklyn calls out.
I wonder what the fuck she's talking about. Dom turns to me and shakes his head. Once seated in the living room I ask, "what was that about?"
"A punk kid kissed Evie at school."
I glance toward Brooklyn in the kitchen, she catches my eye and starts to laugh before returning to whatever she was doing.
"Fanculo," I growl.
"Si, but my sweet Angel thinks I'm being over protective."
He raises his voice slightly to make sure Brooklyn hears him, she laughs louder. I watch as she whispers something to Kirsty which starts her laughing. My body reacts to the beautiful sound.
"Si, Boss, you're fucked." I turn back to him and laugh. He'll never get the upper hand with his women.
I hear the front door open and Theo walks in with a laptop under his arm. I lift my chin as he walks over to the table and puts the computer down. "Morning."
"Boss, Sergio, we need to talk."
"Theo, do you want pancakes," Brooklyn asks.
His eyes light up. "Si, Miss Brooklyn. Grazie."
"Then, move the laptop please."
"Si, Miss Brooklyn." He quickly picks it up and moves it to the living room. Dominic and I chuckle.
While the girls clean up after breakfast, I take the chance to observe Kirsty and make sure she's okay. Miss Evie has been like a shadow all morning and Kirsty seems to be enjoying it. She seems relaxed and at peace.
"Do we need to do this in private?" Dominic nods toward the girls as he speaks to Theo.
"Nah, Boss. I kinda need Kirsty to have a look at something for me. Sergio, I hope you don't mind us invading your home but, I've also called and asked Antonio to come over. He should be here soon."
"Shit, what did you find?" Dom sounds worried and so am I.
Theo glances toward the girls but they're too busy talking to pay us any attention. "I also need Miss Katherine to take a look at something too, I may have found something she'll want to know."
Right on cue, the doorbell rings and I push to my feet. It's turning into a fucking party around here. I head for the door but I shouldn't have bothered, Antonio has let himself in.
"Capo Bastone."
"Sergio fratello." I shake his hand and note Miss Katherine standing behind him. "Miss Katherine congratulations on the engagement."
"Thank you, Sergio, I'm guessing this big lug told you. I swear he doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut."
Antonio growls but, it's playful and he wraps his arms around her waist drawing her back into his chest.
"Si," I laugh. "Come on everyone is in the kitchen."
"Do I get to meet your girl?" Katherine asks.
I nod, loving the sound of people calling her my girl.
I stop at the breakfast bar when Kirsty looks over and sees Antonio and Kat behind me, alarm flashes in her eyes before recognition takes over.
"Sugar, you've met Antonio." I indicate Kat. "This is his fiancé, Katherine."
She drops her eyes to her feet, I reach over and lift her chin so she looks me in eyes.
"Are you okay Sugar?"
I watch as her eyes soften and she nods, the way she gazes at me makes me feel like we're the only ones in the room. "Do you need to lie down?" I brush my fingertips over her cheek and she leans into my touch before lifting her hand and squeezing my fingers.
"I'm okay, I promise."
"Don't worry, Sergio, go over and make yourself useful with the boys. I've got this," Katherine assures me.
I nod, knowing she will be fine with them when a smile touches Kirsty's lips.
Chapter Seventeen
I suck in a deep breath and let it out slowly while I watch the men step over to Theo who is setting his laptop up on the table. Something is going on and an uneasy feeling turns my stomach. I note Antonio's arm is in a sling and wonder what happened to him. Last time I saw him was in the warehouse and I wonder if Joey is responsible for his injury.
I glance at Katherine when she gives Brooklyn a hug, her baby bump a loving rub and leans against the bench to chat. Was she the girl the men were searching for when they found me?
"Kirsty," Brooklyn speaks softly but it draws me away from my thoughts.
"Sorry, I zoned out for a moment."
Her eyes soften as she looks at me. "Would you like more coffee?"
I shake my head. "No, thank you. I might just have water." I start to push up from my seat when Katherine stops me.
"Stay there, I'll get it for you."
"It's okay, I can….." Before I can finish my sentence, a glass is placed before me.
"It's fine, I kind of do this for a living." She laughs at what must be my puzzled expression. It's such a joyful, kind laugh.
"I own a café."
Brooklyn turns with two cups of coffee in her hands and places them on the bench before grabbing orange juice for Evie. The child hasn't left my side all morning.
"Is Gwen there now?" Brooklyn asks.
"Yeah. God that woman is amazing, I think Henry is helping her out today."
I have no idea who they're talking about but from what Brooklyn and Kat – she asked me to call her that – explain, they sound like wonderful people. I wish I'd had people like them as parents, my life would have turned out very different.
"Nanna Gwen and
I bake every time I visit." Evie is standing beside me and I can't help but laugh at the dreamy look on her face.
"I'm guessing you make all kinds of yummy things."
"Oh, yeah." She sighs which has us all laughing.
"Kitten," a deep voice calls.
"What's up, Stud?" Kat answers.
Brooklyn leans over and whispers in my ear. "Kitten is Antonio's nickname for her.
I recall Dominic calling Brooklyn, Angel and come to the conclusion, all the men come up with affectionate nicknames for their women. I guess it's why Sergio calls me Sugar.
"Come over here for a moment, Theo wants to show you something," Antonio says.
Kat's brows knit together before she nods and moves to the men at the table.
Brooklyn smiles at her daughter. "Evie, why don't you go off and play, sweetheart." Evie jumps down from the stool next to me and heads for a small bag near the television. She pulls out a coloring book and crayons.
Brooklyn wipes her hand on a cloth and moves to Katherine's side who has silent tears pouring over her cheeks. She turns into Antonio's chest and he rubs his hand over her back soothingly. What the hell just happened?
Curiosity gets the better of me, I want to know what it was that made her cry. I get to my feet and move toward Sergio. He has his arms crossed over his chest but as I move to his side, he drops them and wraps one around my waist. He leans down close to my ear so only I can hear what he says.
"We think we found her father."
I nod before resting my head on his chest, the tone of his voice makes me think this isn't a good thing. His next words confirm my thoughts.
"He isn't a good man, Sugar."
"Miss Katherine, it looks like he's in Sydney," Theo says.
Dominic asks, "how did you find him?"
I glance at the computer screen in time to see Theo click out of what looked like a profile report and when a new image comes up on the screen, I freeze. I can hear my heart thumping loudly in my ears. I feel like I'm in a tunnel. Someone is yelling, I think it's me. Tears stream over my face. I close my eyes and try to breathe but it feels like there's a lead weight on my chest.
"Kirsty." Sergio's voice is laced with concern.