The Dirty Dozen: Alpha Edition Read online
Page 7
“Bridget thinks I should color my hair green, so I look like the Grinch,” she says.
“Oh?” I ask raising an eyebrow.
“It’s a long story,” Bridget says on a yawn.
“Let’s get you home,” I say to her. It’s late now, nearly ten. I can’t believe she’s still up after the day she’s had.
She doesn’t even argue with me, but just stands and follows me out to my car.
“Just one more stop on our way home,” I say to them. They both groan until I pull up to a Christmas tree lot that’s open late tonight. I may have called in a favor with my client to stay open a little later than normal.
One more day until Christmas. I sit in Maverick’s office working on the business plan. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and I can’t wait to put presents under our actual tree. Cam’s been up in the apartment all day, decorating the tree.
I take the neck brace off and roll my head around. My neck is sorer today, but the swelling has gone down. Maverick made a doctor-client of his check on me this morning. Dr. Morris said I could take the brace off, but to limit my activity for a few more days.
This seemed to appease Maverick, who spent the whole five minutes hovering around us like my personal bodyguard. I have to say that it wasn’t all bad. Every flex of his bicep as he moved his arm, had me fixated. The man should only be allowed to wear sleeveless shirts.
I look back at the computer screen. My business plan is nearly done. I read through it one last time, editing a few things and perfecting a few graphics. I had worked on it most of the day. I managed to get some work done for my winter term business administration class as well. Not having to spend ten hours at the restaurant every day really frees up my time. Even though I should be exhausted with everything that’s happened, I feel oddly relaxed and rested.
“How’s it going?” Maverick asks. I jump. This man has an uncanny ability to sneak up on me.
“You scared me!” I squeak with a hand over my heart. I take a breath and look at him. “I think my business plan is ready for you to take a look.” I nervously push back to allow Maverick room to pull up a chair. He sits and our legs touch. I shiver from the contact. Everything about him has me all keyed up, the way his cologne smells, the feel of his skin against mine, the sound of his deep, gravelly voice, and even the way he flexes his hand when he’s thinking.
Trying my best to ignore my lust, I hit play on my presentation and walk him through my ideas. When I finish, he’s silent. I sit nervously biting my lip.
“I know it’s probably not as professional as a marketing firm would have done. I still have a lot to learn,” I start rambling.
Maverick turns to me and takes my head in his hands. I search his eyes for a sign of what he’s thinking, but I don’t have time to process it before his lips are on mine. His mouth molds to my mouth as he claims me with his kiss. At first, I try to pull back to speak with him, but he holds my head in place as he plunders my mouth.
I stop thinking and allow myself to feel for the first time in, well, forever. This man feels like a giant next to me, but I’m not scared of him. I feel safe in his arms, like no one can hurt me if I’m here.
He kisses me with such passion that I’m taken aback by it. I didn’t expect him to caress and coax. I didn’t expect him to be gentle while being firm. I feel…cherished.
When he finally pulls back, I look up at him in awe.
“Why are you looking at me like that, knockout?”
I blush. “I…you…are a good kisser,” I blurt out and immediately regret speaking because he laughs.
“Hey, don’t get mad at me, now.” He runs a hand over my arm, and it soothes me. “I’m glad my skills are adequate,” he adds with a wink.
My blush turns a deeper shade of red.
“I like it when your skin turns pink,” he murmurs in a low voice that sends chills through my body. His words are so…bad, yet they have me turned on in a way I didn’t think possible.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
I pout. “But I just need to finish one more—”
“There is nothing here that can’t wait for after Christmas,” he cuts me off and closes down the computer, essentially forcing me to stop working. I frown. He leans in and gently kisses my cheek. “Now, don’t be angry. You’ll have plenty of time to work later.”
He outstretches his hand, and I take it. We lock up the gym and head up to the apartment. When he unlocks the door and I step inside, I freeze.
The tree that had been empty earlier, is covered in popcorn strands, twinkling lights, and homemade decorations. It’s the most beautiful tree that I’ve ever seen. There are candles lit, and it smells like gingerbread cookies.
“Ta-da!” Cam sings as she spins around with her arms in the air. “What do you think?”
“I love it!” I squeal as I run to her, and we spin around giggling.
I’m vaguely aware that Mav has moved into the kitchen. Then I smell it, Chinese food.
I whip around to find the small dining table in his kitchen set and cartons of Chinese food sit in the middle of the table. I look over at Mav.
He shrugs. “I figured it’d be easier to order in tonight. I had groceries delivered earlier, so we should be set for a few days.”
“Delivered?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. I didn’t even know you could do that.
“Yeah, that big new grocery store on the edge of town has delivery. Violet swears by it and made me try it. It does save me a ton of time. Anyhow, let’s eat.”
“I get the sesame chicken!” Cam yells as she races over and grabs a seat.
“Manners,” I whisper at her, giving her my best serious look. She rolls her eyes.
“May I please have some sesame chicken?”
Mav grins at her. “Why yes, you may, little fighter,” he replies as he pulls out a chair for me. I hesitate, looking up at him because no one has ever pulled out a chair for me. I mean, I’ve seen it in movies, but not in real life. Mav motions for me to sit, and I comply. He helps me scoot the chair in and gently squeezes my shoulder before taking the seat next to me.
I hand Cam the carton with the sesame chicken in it, and we all dig in. Everything tastes so good.
“I’m glad you ladies like it,” Mav says as he pushes his plate back after taking seconds of everything.
Cam looks over at me. I clear my throat before speaking. It hurts, but not nearly as much as yesterday.
“When I had a particularly good tip and a coupon, we’d go to Mr. Chang’s and get sesame chicken and an egg roll for dinner,” I explain to him.
“He does make great egg rolls,” Mav says as he takes a drink.
Cam stands up and starts clearing plates.
“I can do that,” Mav says to her.
She puts her hands on her hips, and I stifle a laugh.
“Maverick, you are letting us stay here. You bought us a tree and dinner. The least I can do is clean the dishes.”
Mav holds up his hands in a sign of defeat. “OK, not gonna argue with you, little fighter.”
Cam nods her head and turns to put the dishes in the sink. I try my best to hide my smile, but I can’t stop it. Mav grins back at me and reaches for my hand under the table, squeezing it. We stay eye-locked with each other for the longest moment, just staring at one another.
Cam’s throat-clearing snaps us out of it. I turn and Cam has her hands on her hips again.
She rolls her eyes dramatically. “Will you two just do it and get it over with?!”
Mav starts shaking with laughter, and I punch him in the arm. “Not funny, Cam,” I grumble.
She gives me a pointed look. “What? You’re perfect for each other. Just get over it and face the music.”
“Face the music,” I repeat.
She nods and turns back around to finish the dishes. Mav’s silent body-shaking laughter turns into full bell
y-shaking laughter. I can’t help laughing too and pretty soon the two of us are wiping tears from our eyes. Even Cam is laughing.
After dinner, we wrap gifts and set them under the tree. Mav pulls out a book and hands it to Cam.
“What’s this?” she asks, flipping it over to read the back.
Mav blushes a little. “When I was a kid, I checked this book out of the library at school. I loved it so much, I didn’t return it. The librarian took pity on me and paid my late fee and told me to keep it,” he explains.
Cam shows me the book. It’s an old copy of the Polar Express.
“Read it,” Mav encourages her.
Cam snuggles up to him on the sofa and begins to read us the story. I probably was read it at school maybe when I was little, but it’s been ages. I know it’s a movie because Abby had it on once when I was over at her house, but I’ve never actually read it before tonight.
I lean my head on Cam’s shoulder as she reads. She’s always been great at reading. She learned early and it’s been her thing. She’s even good at reading stories aloud, making fun voices for all the characters.
I’m not sure when I fall asleep, but I vaguely remember being picked up by Mav and deposited on his bed. I fall asleep wrapped in the warmth of his arms, secure and safe.
I sneak out to the kitchen early and start making pancakes and bacon. Cam comes out to help me.
“You ready for Christmas?” I ask her as I stack pancakes on a plate.
“I guess.”
I raise an eyebrow. “Too old for it?”
She shakes her head. “No, it’s just. Well, I don’t remember ever really celebrating it before. I guess, I’m curious but also sort of sad that we’ve never had a real Christmas. I wish I could get something nice for Bridget, like, really, really nice. She does so much for me. I know she loves me and all, but it’s not fair.” She looks off as she says the last words.
I pull her into a hug and kiss the top of her head.
“You’re a good kid, little fighter. And you both deserve the world.”
We finish cooking in silence before Bridget comes to join us. We eat and chat about what we hope to get for Christmas.
“So, the gym’s closed today?” Cam asks as she drinks her third glass of orange juice. I can see she is physically changing just in the few days she’s been here. The regular meals and working out are making her less gangly.
I nod. “Yep. Today and tomorrow.”
“What are we going to do all day?” Cam asks as she starts to clean off the table. Bridget joins her.
I give it some thought because I’m not used to entertaining guests at the holidays.
“Have you guys ever gone ice-skating?” I ask them. They both shake their heads. I grin.
“Get dressed,” I command.
Ten minutes later, we are about to head out the door when my buzzer rings.
“Yes?” I answer.
“I have a delivery for a Miss Bridget Haddon.”
I buzz the kid up, and Bridget signs for an envelope. She opens it and her mouth falls open.
“What?” I ask at the same time Cam does.
“It’s…a check…from Vinny.”
“So?” Cam says.
“So, it’s three times my normal paycheck. This can’t be right,” she says as she pulls out her phone and calls someone who I assume is Vinny.
“Hey, I.” She pauses as he says something. “Yes. Vinny, that’s…yes, I understand. Thank you.”
She hangs up and looks at us. Slowly, a giant grin spreads across her face. “Cam, we have a place!!” she yells as she jumps up and down.
“What?” Cam asks in confusion.
“Vinny gave me a bonus, and he co-signed a lease on that apartment I wanted,” she explains. “We can move in whenever!”
“Oh my god!!” Cam squeals and jumps into her sister’s arms. I want to be happy for them. I want to join in their celebration, but I feel like someone has sucker punched me in the gut. I’m not ready for them to leave.
I put on a fake smile and hug them both. “That’s great news,” I try to say enthusiastically.
“We’ll be out of your hair after tomorrow,” Bridget says.
I lean against her, so I can whisper in her ear, “Maybe I want you in my hair.”
I see bumps on her skin. “Well, let’s get going,” she pipes up, trying to act like she isn’t affected by me.
We spend the day ice-skating at a rink in the next town over. I manage to only fall three times. Cam, of course, doesn’t fall at all. She does manage to pass out in the back of Maverick’s car on the drive back home.
“That was so fun. Thank you,” I say to Maverick as he pulls into a spot in front of his apartment.
“You’re welcome.”
He looks back at Cam. “Hey, little fighter, we’re home.”
Cam stirs and blinks. “Hey.”
“Let’s get you up to bed before Santa arrives,” Maverick says as he gets out of the car. Cam and I follow him.
“I’m a little old for Santa, don’t you think.”
Maverick laughs as he opens the door to the apartment. “No one is too old for Santa.”
“Whatever,” Cam says as she heads back toward our bedroom. Our bedroom. It seems odd to think that especially since we’ll be leaving here. I decided that we’d move the day after Christmas. We didn’t have many things, but the apartment came with basic furniture, so we didn’t need much.
“Sorry, she can be cranky when she’s tired,” I say on a sigh as I rub my hip.
I look up to see Maverick studying my face. I shrug. “I’ll live.” I don’t have the heart to tell him I’ve felt worse after getting smacked around by Brad.
“I should get to bed,” I say to him.
I yawn and rub my neck. It’s feeling better, but I had to take a lot of breaks today and rest. Mostly because Maverick made me. “Yeah, that ice-skating is no joke.”
Maverick laughs. “I think I need to be harder on you at the gym, once you are all recovered, that is.”
“I guess so,” I reply on another yawn.
Maverick leans down and kisses my forehead. “Go get some sleep, knockout.”
“Goodnight,” I say to him as I lean into his hug.
“Goodnight,” he whispers back against my hair before releasing me.
I toss and turn all night after setting out some gifts from Santa. Something in my gut tells me not to let them leave, but I have nothing to keep them here with me. My urge to protect them has infinitely grown with each passing day.
At dawn, I get up and go turn on the coffee pot. It doesn’t take long for Cam to scamper into the kitchen.
“Morning,” she sings and then comes to a screeching halt as she surveys the living room.
“Are those for us?” she asks, her eyes wide with surprise.
I nod as she starts to run toward the tree. “Oh no, not until Bridget is up.”
Cam’s face turns to a pout for half a second, but then a smirk takes over and I know Bridget is standing at the entrance to the kitchen before I even turn around.
“Bridget, come on,” she urges as she runs to her sister and grabs her hand, dragging her into the living room.
“Gentle,” I command, but Cam just sees the gifts and all other things are forgotten. I hand Bridget a cup of coffee as we watch Cam tear open gifts. She gets a t-shirt, a fleece blanket, and some books from Bridget. I know that even if Bridget bought them all on sale, they probably still cost her more than she could afford. Next, Cam opens the gifts from me, a pair of headphones, more books, a board game, and a bookmark that also has a built-in dictionary.
“Thanks, Maverick! I love them!” she says.
We hand Bridget her gift from us.
She peels back the paper and slowly removes the first box, the earrings from Cam.
“Oh,” she whispers. “They are beautiful.”
Then she opens the box with the necklace. Her eyes tear up. “It’s too much, guys.”
Cam hugs her. “No, it’s not enough.”
“They are supposed to bring good luck and promote healing,” I explain.
“Really?” Bridget asks.
I nod. “Here, let me.” I help her put the necklace on.
“Your turn,” Cam says as she shoves a box in my face.
I’m a little surprised. I shake the box and act afraid. Cam giggles. “I promise, it’s not gonna blow up.”
I open it and find a little metal business card holder engraved with my name.
“It’s for the gym!” she says proudly. “I had them put your name on it and everything.”
“I love it!” I say. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
She grins. “I know, but Mark had me do some extra work in the gym and he gave me a little money.”
I remind myself to thank Mark later.
Bridget hands me a gift next. I open it and find a DVD of the film Top Gun. I look up at her and raise an eyebrow.
She smirks. “I noticed you didn’t have a copy.”
I laugh at that. “You are correct.”
“Well, I solved that oversight.”
I unwrap a second gift, which is a nice pen.
“Every business owner should have a nice pen,” she says.
Next, I reach behind my chair and pull out two identical boxes, marked “From: Santa.” I hand one to each of them.
They rip them open and both of their jaws hit the ground. I may have purchased them each a new cell phone.
“This…is too much,” Bridget says to me as she looks between her phone and Cam’s phone, while Cam jumps up and down and screams before launching herself at me.
“I want you two to be safe. This will make me feel better.”
“You mean, it will make Santa feel better,” Cam interjects.
“Yes, Santa will feel better, too.”
“I don’t think we can accept these,” Bridget says on a frown. I cup her cheek and she looks up at me.